You weren’t born hating your body and somewhere down the line, you were taught your body was wrong, not worth celebrating, or it’s better to make yourself small for other’s comfort. TODAY, you clicked on my site because you’re over it and ready to say, “no more.” You’re ready to take up space and come back home to yourself. You are such a fucking badass. I’m honored you’re here. I hope you’ll stay awhile and I’ll see you in front of my camera very soon.

Love and magic,


“I did it for me. I did it to tell that inner critic that runs my life to shut up! It was incredibly empowering. 10/10 would recommend!”

— Carmen

I did it for me and I am so glad I did.

I always had issues with how I looked/ my weight/ my scars.. seeing my individual beauty shine is amazing. Sarah helps you feel comfortable and so validated.
